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WRFL Listenership Survey Results

Last October WRFL conducted a survey to find out more about our audience and what they think of the station. We would like to thank all 181 people who responded to the survey! Your answers have been a huge help as we strive to improve the station and its programming. The survey results have been compiled into a stunning PDF by our graduate assistant Jing Zhang, and our station advisor Mary Clark!

Some highlights from the survey include:

  •  Our top 5 shows are: Lipstick is Optional, The Matterhorn Mix, Generations of Jazz, WRFL Psychedelicatessen, and The Pacobilly Hour.
  •  71% of respondents said that WRFL has helped them discover music that has broadened their taste. 
  • Out of everyone polled, a majority have been listening for over 10 years!

You can view the full listenership survey below, or open the results in a new tab if you prefer.
