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A tour of the new

Welcome to the new! This website is the result of a collaborative effort between several of us at the station over many months, and we’re excited to bring it to you. Our previous website served us well for almost four years, but the time had come to offer our listeners a new site with a fresh design and some long-awaited features. Here’s a tour.

Stream Now!

WRFL has offered a stream of our broadcast on our website for over 16 years, and now you can access our stream in just one click on desktop or mobile. Just click on the big yellow “Stream Now!” button or the Play button next to the currently playing track, and the stream will keep playing in the background until you close the tab. You can also listen to our stream by using the RadioFX or TuneIn mobile apps, or by saying “Alexa, play WRFL” or “hey Siri, play WRFL.”

Recently Played

Our new home page now includes the three most recent plays at all times. As always, you can click through to view more plays, but now wherever you see any list of plays across our website, those plays will update automatically without having to refresh the page. This allows you to start listening to our stream and see new plays pop up as our DJs post them.

Show Schedule

The familiar calendar of WRFL’s diverse and eclectic programming has made its way to our new website, but now today’s current schedule is also shown at all times on our new home page so you can always know what’s on. The schedule is now mobile-friendly as well, allowing you to tab through each day of the week easily.


Radio Free America, the service that used to provide our broadcast archives for on-demand listening, shut down earlier this year. We have worked to build a replacement for this service, and it’s available now. To listen to any previously aired show from the past two weeks, just select a date and time. That day’s show schedule is listed on the page for reference, and you can click on the name of the show to see the plays that aired during the show. While you’re listening to the archive, a clock helps you follow along with where you are in the show.


After a hiatus, WRFL’s podcasts are back! You can now listen to WRFL’s news and talk shows such as Campus Voices, as well as our interviews with local and independent artists, whenever and wherever you want. In addition to listening on the website, you can now subscribe to WRFL’s podcast feed on Apple Podcasts and Spotify as well.


The latest news posts from WRFL (like this one) are featured on our home page as they have always been, and all of our previous posts have been brought over to the new site, but now all those posts are better formatted for easier reading and are mobile-friendly. And now when you share one of our posts on social media, you’ll get a nice preview along with it.

RiFLe Digital Library

I have to be honest, this is my favorite thing on the entire website. We searched for every issue we could find of the RiFLe, WRFL’s long-running zine that predates the station’s first FM radio broadcast, going all the way back to 1987, and we have uploaded them all to the website. When you visit the RiFLe library, you’ll see a lovely gallery of all the covers and you can click on any of them to view the entire zine. It is gorgeous and you should really see it if you haven’t already. You’ll learn (or rediscover) a lot about the history of the station, and you can view our brand new Fall 2020 RiFLe there as well.


We brought over our familiar event calendar to the new website, where you can find events from WRFL, on UK’s campus, and around town in Lexington that you can (safely) attend. And now we have also partnered with Infinite Industries, a local nonprofit startup, to provide a directory of even more under-the-radar arts and cultural events in Lexington.


Every way that you can get involved with WRFL has been refreshed for the new website. You can read the station’s mission statement, visit our local underwriters, get in touch with our directors, and of course, become a DJ. (You should do that.)

Social Media

Finally, our new website provides one-click access in the top-right and bottom-left corners of every page to WRFL’s social media accounts on Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, Twitter, and Facebook. We post on these accounts regularly, so be sure to check out those links and follow us on those platforms to keep up with what’s going on at the station.

We hope you enjoy the new website. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, and as we’ve kindly encouraged you to do for over 32 years, keep it tuned all the way to the left.